My Work


This website is an interactive platform for creating lists of favorite movies. Users can find their favorite movies, learn the most important information about them (rating, cast, duration, and more), and add movies to their watchlists. The Movie Database (TMDb) API is used to obtain information about movies.

  • React (Router, Context, Query, ets)
  • Firebase (Auth, Cloud Firestore)
  • Feature-Sliced Design
  • CSS (SCSS)
  • React Hook Form + Zod Validation
  • TypeScript


Evently is a modern event management platform that allows users to easily create, manage, and participate in events. The platform is designed with both event organizers and attendees in mind, providing a seamless experience from event creation to registration and participation.

  • Next.js 14 (App router, Server actions, ets)
  • MongoDB (+mongoose)
  • Clerk Auth
  • Stripe
  • WebHooks
  • Feature-Sliced Design
  • Tailwind css and Shadcn
  • React Hook Form + Zod Validation
  • UploadThing
  • Responsive Design
  • TypeScript


This web application is an interactive platform for managing and viewing a gallery of images. Users can upload their own images, view images uploaded by others, and manage their own gallery. The application uses Firebase for user authentication, Firestore for database queries, and Firebase storage for storing user-generated content. The application is built with TypeScript and React, and styled with SCSS. It follows best practices for code quality with ESLint and Prettier.

  • React, React-Router
  • React Bootstrap, Styled Components, CSS (SASS)
  • TypeScript
  • React Hook Form, Zod, React Dropzone
  • Firebase (Authentication, Firestore, Storage)
  • Zustand, React Query

Meme Generator

This website is a meme generator that allows you to create your own memes using images and text. The site offers several meme templates that you can use, or you can upload your own image. After selecting an image, you can add text to it using various fonts, colors, and other features. Once you have created your meme, you can save it to your device and share it with your friends.

  • HTML
  • CSS (SASS)
  • JavaScript
  • React (Router, Context, ets)
Meme Generator

About Me

I'm a web developer based out of Ukraine, Kyiv. I love building apps that solve real-world problems, and that are delightful to use. My specialities include React, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

I worked for two years at Boeing as an aerospace engineer (self-taught, specializing in aircraft structural analysis), and I have a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mechanics.

My Resume